These are a few pictures I took at the North Carolina State Fair on Sunday, 10/17. I apologize about the quality for most of them since my phone doesn’t take great pictures at night.
Tag Archives: 2010
Best. Birthday Present. Ever.
Just got this wonderful gift in the mail from the lovely cosplay extraordinaire known as VAMPY BIT ME. Thanks to her, it’s officially the best 22nd birthday ever (which is on the 21st, BTW). Thank you, Vampy~ ♥ -hugs-
Speaking of birthdays, I hope you, the person reading this, won’t forget about mine. Drop me some birthday wishes. Or give me stuff on Gaia Online. I’ll love you forever!
Animazement 13 Recap
It’s been right at two months since Animazement ended and this is just now going up. I fail. Enjoy the train wreck below and don’t forget to check out my AZ 13 photo gallery, as it accompanies this wrap-up.

It’s without a doubt that Animazement is one of North America’s best-kept secret anime conventions! 7,070 people convened at the Raleigh Convention Center in Raleigh, North Carolina to enjoy 3 days of win! Guests this year included Richard Ian Cox, Keiko Han, Noriko Hidaka, Yusuke Igarashi, Kazuhiko Inoue, Trish Ledoux, Chiho Saito, Chika Sakamoto, Spike Spencer, Koichi Tsunoda, Cristina Vee, Kappei Yamaguchi, Yasuo Yamaguchi, Toshifumi Yoshida, and returning musical act Uchu Sentai NOIZ. Continue reading Animazement 13 Recap